6 signs you have a strong but sensitive personality


1. People say you’re a good listener

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A person's empathetic nature and non-judgmental attitude create a safe space for others to express their vulnerabilities and find comfort in being understood.

independent of external validation, inner confidence and self-assurance cultivate a deeply fulfilling sense of self-worth and a profoundly fulfilling existence.

2. You don’t need external validation

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A person holds the conviction that all individuals should be treated equally irrespective of their differences, and they actively oppose discrimination and promote understanding.

3. You don’t tolerate ignorance and prejudice

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4. You surround yourself with honest and supportive people

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Personal happiness and growth flourish when surrounded by supportive and compatible individuals who promote a healthy and empowering social environment.

5. You don’t make excuses, and you don’t tolerate it from others too

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High standards of integrity and mutual respect are valued in relationships, and those who do not reciprocate are not considered worthy of maintaining a connection.

6. You are highly authentic

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In life, honesty and genuineness guide one's actions, aligning them with personal beliefs and leading to a preference for quiet self-expression.

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