6 terrible reasons to get married (and 5 beautiful signs that you should)


1. You’re afraid of being alone

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Fear of being alone may lead to unhealthy relationships or marriages, but staying single allows for self-discovery and contentment.

2. You want to solve your relationship problems

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Marriage alone cannot resolve underlying relationship issues; it often exacerbates them, as it does not address the root causes of the problems.

3. You’re only doing it to prove something

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Society equates marriage as a sign of prosperity and maturity, so people marry to receive validation, prove their happiness, or have a dream wedding.

4. You want someone to take care of you and vice versa

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Marriage is about caring for each other and providing security, not using one person for personal benefit or creating toxic dynamic

5. You’re trying to fill a hole

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Marriage cannot heal past traumas, particularly childhood abuse and neglect, and should not be used as a coping mechanism.

6. You feel pressured

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Societal pressures, like cultural norms and fear of isolation, can lead to premature marriages, despite marriage not being a requirement for happiness.

1. You are both “complete” individuals

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Marriage is a union of two whole and independent individuals who share their lives together while maintaining their own identities.

2. You completely trust each other

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Marriage is the union of two fulfilled individuals who share their lives together while maintaining their own identities.

3. You fight ‘well’

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Trust is vital in any relationship because people inevitably hurt each other, and it's important to know that the hurt is unintentional.

4. You’ve spent some time to truly get to know each other

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Getting to know someone well enough to marry them takes time to understand their thoughts, dreams, fears, and reactions to adversity.

5. You express love freely

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In healthy relationships, there are five positive interactions for every negative interaction during conflicts, fostering intimacy and laughter alongside disagreements.

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