Emotional intelligence can be strengthened in these 5 ways


1. Use a diary to describe one emotional experience

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A Belgian study used daily personal diaries to enhance participants' emotional awareness and memory, thereby strengthening their emotional intelligence.

2. Reflect

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To augment emotional intelligence, reflect on instances of emotional overwhelm and devise alternative strategies for future management.

3. Identify other people’s feelings

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To enhance emotional skills, analyze the emotions experienced during recent interactions to gather valuable information about individuals.

4. Identify your thoughts about the other person’s emotions

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Emotions impact our thoughts, shaping how we handle situations; understanding their cause involves exploring individual experiences, and reflection on the actions taken to manage those feelings is crucial.

5. Identify non-verbal cues

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Non-verbal cues, including facial expressions and posture, expose emotional states; emphasizing the significance of emotional intelligence for success, it is crucial to cultivate alongside intellectual abilities.

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